Phendrana Drift is composed of two collections of paintings. The first collection is comprised of a series of 35 paintings all measuring 14" x 18". They were produced by pouring white glossy paint onto matte black backgrounds. The end result depicts snowflakes falling at night in a skyscape. These stark black
paintings differ from one another even though they employ the same technique. The effect is a variation in pattern, indicating a heavy or light snowfall. Installed in a grid formation, the artist plays with the patterns to create an atmosphere.
The second collection is comprised of a series of 3 landscape paintings ranging in size from 33" x 44" to 4' x 5'.
These pieces take on a first person perspective – the perspective of a driver. There are matte black skies, and
road-sides framed in white snowdrifts. These minimal landscapes lack road signs or landmarks, indicating a
non-specific geography and thereby allowing the viewer to insert themselves personally in the space in a physical,
emotional or virtual fashion.

Before We Leave. Acrylic on canvas, 33"x44", 2007

From The Road. Acrylic on canvas, 33"x44", 2007

We Stay in Cabins Belonging to Other People. Acrylic on canvas, 5'x4', 2008

Phendrana Drift. Installation view. Resource Centre for the Arts Gallery, St. John’s, NL, 2008

Phendrana Drift. Installation view. Resource Centrw for the Arts Gallery, St. John’s, NL, 2008

Phendrana Drift. Installation view. Resource Centre for the Arts Gallery, St. John’s, NL, 2008

Phendrana Drift. Installation view. Resource Centre for the Arts Gallery, St. John’s, NL, 2008

Snow painting #35. Acrylic on Canvas, 14"x18", 2008

Snow painting #4. Acrylic on Canvas, 14"x18", 2007